1. Click on the Settings icon on the main menu screen.

2. Unit of Measure.

Select between Imperial (Yards / Inches) or Metric (Meters / Millimetres) . This will change all distances and grouping measurements within the application.

3. Language

Select between various languages including, English, French, Japanese, Korean, and Dutch. Many more languages are in the process of being developed. Changing your language will change all text within the application.

4. Weapon Mode

Select between Pistol, Rifle-Scope, and Red Dot modes. Changing your weapon mode will limit the availability of levels and ammunition types.

Changing your weapon mode will also limit the selection of levels, competitions, and ammunition types that are accessible.

5. Selecting your Trigger Reset Option

Select between Manual or Auto modes. Use Manual trigger mode if you need to cycle the firearm to reset the trigger between shots. Use the Auto setting if you are using a firearm that automatically resets your trigger after each shot. This includes DryFireMags, Gas Bolts, Mantis Black Bread, Gas or Elective Simulation Weapons, Airsoft, and Gel-blaster systems.

If you are using a bolt-action firearm, use the manual selection.

The Manual section will allow you to adjust the time interval between shots. Adjusting the time will stop false shots from being fired as you cycle or charge your firearm.

6. Shot Detection

The sensitivity of the shot detection can be adjusted to your system or the environment within the settings menu or in the application settings icon. Touch the icon to cycle through the options.

Remember – We recommend that Virtual-Shot is used in a quiet area.

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